July 19


Every month, I gather all the London discoveries and questions about expat life or just life through this sort of mood-board. A nice way to look back, keep the positives and learn from the rest.


Summer Holidays in France

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Expat life


July is always a “super-month”. That’s probably why I am back with this monthly routine now.

It’s my birthday month (So far, same every year!), that’s generally when I go home the longest (nearly every year), it’s full summer in London (very variable from a year to an other…), and, this year, July the month I became a Yoga Teacher. Pretty unique. It’s all been super exciting, full of highs and lows, but most importantly, I can’t wait to explore this new skill and share it with the highest number, and through this blog too.

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Yoga Teacher

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In July, I graduated from my Yoga Teacher Training that started in May. The beginning of a new very different and exciting adventure. Classes will come soon in London and I can’t wait!

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One of my favourite quote for the last few years and the one I remember reading the night before flying to Greece for my Yoga Teacher Training. I love remembering it when in need. It pushes me to stay out of my comfort zone when things become a little bit too easy.


Latest places to Eat & Drink

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Eat and Drink in London


In 2019, I started the year with a need to reconnect with London. My only resolution was to explore and embrace London life the way I did when I moved here the first few years. And it’s been pretty good so far, and also amazing to fall in love with my City again. July was no exception and once again I discovered many hidden gems. I had to only select 3 but keep them all on Insta stories in “Eat and Drink”.

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B&H Garden Room

Leicester Square


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Queen Elizabeth Roof Garden Bar & Cafe



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Roof Fest – John Lewis Rooftop

Oxford Street



City Guide

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Visit London

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Favourite places, tips and advice to visit Seven Dials and Neal’s Yard


The Little things in July

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The Little Joys


In French, the name of the blog means “The little joys of London”. It’s cute and cheesy yes but it’s always so nice to remember the little things and moment that made a month so special. Summer vibes here in London but also in my sunny south of France, and many more. Find them below and feel free to list yours too!


Finish my Yoga Teacher Training. Every moment of my birthday. Be one year older and not really feel it for once. Let the social pressure just go. Find out about the walk in back massage place in Neal’s Yard (My new addiction). Cycle back home from work. Spend time with my French Londoner goddaughter. And her parents. Go home. Hike with my parents. Spend a day in Toulouse. Quality time with my cousins. Breather at the Pear Tree cafe after the hottest day ever in London. Brave a rainy yoga festival and stay positive about it. Share a yoga class with hundreds of yogis. All the strolls in Soho during lunch. Fall in love with London again.

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